Myzone Blog

The Demand for Wearables is Undeniable

Written by Myzone | Tuesday, 13 October 2015

A recent ACE and Innov8 Health study of fitness professionals provides additional supporting evidence for the demand, usefulness and credibility of accurate fitness wearables like MYZONE within the gym community. The study conducted gave clear insight into the opportunity that our MYZONE partner facilities possess as clubs that are able to endorse and offer fitness wearables.

This study of fitness professionals showed:

  • 72% reported that their clients consistently ask for insight and feedback on fitness wearables, most commonly related to making a purchase. Clients want to know about the accuracy of wearables and if they are capable of helping them meet their goals. Sadly, the survey indicated that only 51% of fitness professionals truly felt prepared to answer their clients wearables questions.
  • 71% of responders own a fitness tracker, and 61% of those who do not yet own one are considering purchasing one.
  • 71% said that they would be interested in allowing clients to purchase wearables, either directly from them or by using a promotional code online. (That number then increased slightly when the possibility of the trainer earning revenue from the sale was introduced.)
  • 75% of those who completed the survey said that they would be interested in the capability to run fitness challenges with clients using fitness wearables.

So what do these research results mean for you as a MYZONE partner facility? They prove that you are ahead of the curve! You currently have a wearable that is incredibly accurate, easy to use, and able to help your members meet their goals faster. Your staff has been provided with all the necessary training materials so that they are able to easily make the sale. Your trainers all have access to the MYZONE App in which they are able to motivate, reprimand, and follow the progress of their MYZONE using clients, and your staff has the added benefit of easily earning commissions on every sale--even on those that take place online.

With MYZONE you have all of the support that you need to succeed just a tap or a click away. We provide all the training materials, challenge suggestions, eCommerce, eMarketing, and eSupport so you continually stay on track and informed on the latest that MYZONE has to offer.

With MYZONE, this study proves that your facility is positioned for success. Trainers want to have the proper answers when their clients ask about wearables, and with MYZONE they can. Your trainers are interested in running challenges for their clients that utilize an accurate fitness device, and with MYZONE they can. Clients as well as trainers proved in this study that there is a desire as well as an obvious demand for deeper insights into the individual workout, MYZONE partner facilities have a leg up on the competition in that they are able to provide the most accurate, results-driven insights into each and every workout.

The survey speaks for itself, the demand for wearables is undeniable, all that is left is for you to leverage the MYZONE system to the benefit of your clients, their trainers and your club as a whole.