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In a recent post, we examined the concept of excess post-exercise oxygen consumption, commonly abbreviated as EPOC, and its effects on our caloric ...
Ever heard that your 60-minute workout will make you burn more calories for the rest of the day? Sounds too good to be true, right? Keep reading to ...
Are you ready to crush some MEPs (MYZONE Effort Points)!?! As a MYZONE user, you have probably participated in at least one Challenge by now. The ...
As trainers, you have probably heard of the term threshold training many times. Threshold training has many confusing and conflicting definitions ...
If you’ve been watching our Fitness Friday broadcasts, you know that the burpee is one of our go-to exercises to propel our heart rates into the ...
Do you have a positive perception of yourself and your abilities? Research has very clearly shown a strong link between positive self-esteem and ...
Resting heart rate, recovery heart rate, ambient heart rate, submaximal heart rate, maximum heart rate…this is a list of some of the terms that have ...
Do you enjoy working out hard and pushing your body and mind to new levels of fitness? If so, you must be amped about your MYZONE activity monitor, ...
As a MYZONE user, you’ve probably seen the array of colors on your live stream and Activity Calendar. Gray, blue, green, yellow, red…but what do all ...
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