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Trying to explain caloric expenditure to clients can be challenging, as measuring it is an interesting and complex science. Here is some background ...
When planning a well-rounded exercise program, it is important to understand the five components of physical fitness and how your training affects ...
So often we see advertisements claiming that participants in a certain fitness program can burn over 1,000 calories in an hour. If that sounds ...
When you use a group heart rate tracking device or a piece of equipment at the gym, how does it know how many calories you’ve burned? Well, ...
fLooking for new ways to get your heart pumping with a few great workouts?! Whether you are a beginner, intermediate, or advanced exerciser, these ...
How many of us have overheard a fellow trainer trying to motivate a client by saying something like, “Just 10 more minutes of cardio so you can earn ...
Using the MYZONE system as a tool to provide feedback to clients during group heart rate training can substantially enhance their motivation, ...
Wondering how to best utilize MYZONE when training your clients? We’ve got some tips for you, including a simple assessment that you can perform in ...
We’ve all heard the terms, “Everything in moderation,” and, “Life is about balance.” Well, the same is true of fitness. We are thrilled with how hard ...
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